
terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2013

EU Prepaid Cards

So Riot has deployed prepaid cards for Europe to allow RP purchase on various stores. You can read more about this here.

PBE Tentative Balance Changes

Summoners, a PBE patch has been deployed with changes to Kassadin, Anivia and a few other small changes.

Click bellow to read more.

segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2013

Lunar Revel Skins Revealed for Tryndamere, Diana and Riven!

Summoners, the PBE has been updated with three new skins for players to try out and give feedback on, all of which to come on on next years Lunar Revel Event: Lunar Goddess Diana, Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere and Dragonblade Riven!

Read bellow for a preview look on these skins (they're at different completion stages though):

sexta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2013

Patch 3.15 Notes

Summoners, patch 3.15 has been announced and will be deployed today still! This means not only a lot of balance changes that are sure to hit current champion popularity and winrate, but also the release of Yasuo the Unforgiven.

Read bellow for the full patch notes.

quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013

segunda-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2013

This Week's Top 10 on Solo Queue!

Welcome to Flavor of the Month's Top 10 Picks and Win Rates for solo queue featuring general stats and Diamond Elo in particular. Bear in mind that these stats have a two day delay, although no real changes to the game have been applied for a while. You can check here and here for the most recently announced PBE changes to champions and the game if you want to predict how they might change current top picks.

This is still an experimental feature for Flavor of the Month, and one we'd like to make permanent, so if you have any comments/suggestions/requests please feel free to do so. At the bot of this list you can see comments about the current top picks and check the full champion ratings list.

Click bellow to read this week's solo queue top picks and winrates.

Snowdown Splash Arts Revealed

We finally get to look at the full arts of the three upcoming Snowdown skins!

sábado, 7 de dezembro de 2013

PBE Balance Changes, Splash arts, Showdown Mode

Another batch of champion changes (previous announced changes can be viewed here) has been released on the PBE. Also, you can read bellow for  the splash art for High Noon Yasuo, loading screens for Snow Day Singed and Snowstorm Sivir and the upcoming Showdown mode.

segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013

This Week's Top 10 on Solo Queue!

Welcome to Flavor of the Month's Top 10 Picks and Win Rates for solo queue featuring general stats and Diamond Elo in particular. Bear in mind that these stats have a 2 day delay, which means we're catching up with the Targon's Brace hotfix, and accompanying this preseason's apparent Tanky Support power!

This is still an experimental feature for Flavor of the Month, and one we'd like to make permanent, so if you have any comments/suggestions/requests please feel free to do so.

Click bellow to read this week's solo queue top picks and winrates.

domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013

PBE Balance Changes

Summoners! Today we're posting a collection of changes and PBE small updates so you can get a better idea of what could possibly come in terms of changes with the next patch and better adapt to the change.

Read bellow for champion buffs/nerfs, Xelnath on the 25/11 Relic Shield hotfix, new Anivia textures, Yasuo and other things:

sábado, 30 de novembro de 2013

Like us on Facebook!

Hey guys! You can now follow us on Facebook, so that you can receive our news and tiers fresh after posted! Feel free to add us here ^^

sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2013

Legacy Skins and Mystery Skins

At long last, players can rejoice: the Legacy Vault has been opened! Up until December 31st, you will be able to purchase select Legacy Skins with a 50% discount. Every day the promotion skins will change, so check here to make sure you don't miss your favorites!

There's also been released a Mega Legacy Bundle that will last until December 2nd, each skin 60% off and each champion of the bundle 50% off.

Mystery Skins

Also starting today, and up until December 2nd, you will be able to purchase, for 490RP, up to three Mystery Skins! For those who don't know, a Mystery Skin is like a self-bought Mystery Gift (random skin for a champion you own, including legendary and ultimate tier skins!). There's also a list of legacy skins restricted to Mystery Skin buyers:
  • TPA Shen
  • TPA Ezreal
  • TPA Orianna
  • TPA Nunu
  • TPA Mundo
  • Riot Nasus
  • Riot Graves
  • Riot Blitzcrank

Champion and Skin Sale (29/11-02/12)

 Summoners! Starting today you can grab Ziggs, Cassiopeia, Leblanc, Full Machine Viktor, Spellthief Lux and Aristocrat Vayne each 50% their original price for a limited time!

Check bellow for Skin Spotlights of the discounted skins!

quarta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2013

Snowdown Showdown: Returning Legacy Skins, Sivir, Singed and Lulu upcoming skins

With the upcoming Snowdown you can expect the return of all previous Snowdown Skins (listed bellow), as well as the all-new, PBE-deployed Snow Day Singed, Snowstorm Sivir and Winter Wonder Lulu!

Keep reading for previews of the new skins, revisits to the old and new official game modes!

segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2013

Week's Top 10 Solo Queue

Welcome to Flavor of the Month's Top 10 Picks and Win Rates for solo queue featuring general stats and Diamond Elo in particular. Bear in mind that these stats have a 2 day delay (thus barely featuring the League of Targon) but are obtained from Riot the same way other statistic sites do.

This is an experimental feature for Flavor of the Month, and one we'd like to make permanent, so if you have any comments/suggestions/requests please feel free to do so. One thing we're considering is an Excel document (Excel isn't that pretty but there's a lot of work to this) that you can download feature all champ's stats for the last X weeks (probably up to 4)

Click bellow to read into this week's solo queue top picks and winrates.

sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2013

Skarner Rework coming back to PBE and One for All hitting live servers

NOTE: these changes are still being tested on PBE, and so they are susceptible to change.

The already mentioned rework for Skarner is returning to the Beta Environment! You can read bellow RiotScruffy's tentative change list:

Yasuo, the Unforgiven, revealed

Yasuo, the Unforgiven has just been revealed!
Check bellow for information on abilities, lore and gameplay!

quinta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2013

Champion and Skin Sale (22/11 - 25/11)

 Summoners! Starting tomorrow you can grab Riven, Jayce, Xin Zhao, Demolisher Nunu, Blood Moon Shen and Royal Shaco each 50% their original price for a limited time!

Check bellow for Skin Spotlights of the discounted skins!

Patch 3.14 notes

A HUGE patch is going to hit servers November 21st, including preseason changes and champion balance (besides already announced changes to traditional Supports). Read bellow for all notes.
(Note: some of the changes are already covered in recent posts, so in order to avoid making this text even bigger than it already is there's info we decided not to repost)

Patch 3.14 Server Maintenance

Server maintenance preceding patch 3.14 is arriving November 21st at 3:00 AM PST for NA, 3:30 +0GMT for EUW and 3:00 CST for EUNE!

You can read Riot Zaps' EUW announcement bellow:


On 21/11/13, starting at 03:30 UK Time, ranked queues will be disabled in preparation for patch 3.14. At 05:00 UK Time, the servers will be shut down and all games currently in progress will end in a draw and stats will not be recorded. We estimate the battlegrounds will be unavailable for 6 hours."

Preseason Changes: Gameflow (Map, Dragon, Trinkets, Inhibitor destruction)

In this article you can read about gameflow changes that are not as specific as those both Support and Jungler roles are suffering, like brush changes, Dragon objective modifications, the new Trinkets, minion behavior changes when an inhibitor is destroyed.

Preseason Updates: Jungler Role

Jungle items and jungle flow are both suffering changes this season. The idea behind these changes is to help carry-type junglers (such as Master Yi, Riven, Jax) not fall behind in gold as hard as they used to when they couldn't get any successful early ganks.

Read bellow for jungler-specific item changes and the new Wight camp.

Preseason Updates: Support Role

One of the roles expected to experience heavy changes once the Pre-Season Patch hits is the Support Role. As you will be able to read bellow, gameplay design changes reveal a clear intention of increasing the gold income for lane sharing players who do not last hit and try to keep the kills coming for their lane partner. These intentions become clear with a set of new items and a few new/changed Utility Tree Masteries, as well as an increased reward for getting consecutive assists without taking any kills.

Furthermore, to help traditional supports such as Nami, Lulu, Janna and so on keep up with this gold increase - for their scalings would not always be when optimal compared to other good dual laners such as Annie, Jarvan IV, Fiddlesticks or Lee Sin who would also see increased income - a few tweaks have been added to some of their abilities so that they scale with stats like Ability Power or Armor.

Click on the tag to read more about upcoming support items and champion changes.

Welcome to Flavor of the Month

Hello and welcome to Flavor of the Month, a blog dedicated to all things League of Legends! From this blog you can expect news about champions, gamechang, competitive scene, as well as other LoL related information such as monthly "tier lists" based on champion statistics (picks/success rate). In time, our goal is to become part of your LoL-related to-visit websites!

Now follow us as we cover in the next posts all preseason updates and help you adapt to the upcoming changes in gameflow, objectives, gold income, itemization and even champion picks.