
segunda-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2013

This Week's Top 10 on Solo Queue!

Welcome to Flavor of the Month's Top 10 Picks and Win Rates for solo queue featuring general stats and Diamond Elo in particular. Bear in mind that these stats have a two day delay, although no real changes to the game have been applied for a while. You can check here and here for the most recently announced PBE changes to champions and the game if you want to predict how they might change current top picks.

This is still an experimental feature for Flavor of the Month, and one we'd like to make permanent, so if you have any comments/suggestions/requests please feel free to do so. At the bot of this list you can see comments about the current top picks and check the full champion ratings list.

Click bellow to read this week's solo queue top picks and winrates.

(note: colors are being used for champions who moved up (orange) or down (blue) since last week's tier list. White means their position has not changed)


( From the top, left to right: Lee Sin, Caitlyn, Leona, Taric, Thresh, Ezreal, Vayne, Jinx, Annie, Riven)

(champions above 5% picks; winrate%/pick%)

( From the top, left to right: Sivir, Rammus, Taric, Amumu, Fiddlesticks, Volibear, Ziggs, Leona, Kassadin, Wukong)


( From the top, left to right: Lee Sin, Lucian, Taric, Thresh, Caitlyn, Annie, Ezreal, Leona, Sivir, Jinx)

(champions above 5% picks; winrate%/pick%)

( From the top, left to right: Rammus, Sivir, Taric, Kayle, Ziggs, Kassadin, Amumu, Lux, Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo)


Not much has changed from last week, although we can see some popularity/winrate jumps worth mentioning.

First of all, Taric has become an absolute support powerhouse, reaching top tier on all lists. His tankyness and scaling burst currently make him an absurd threat at most stages of the game. We also have Lee Sin being picked 42% of the Diamond Queue games, which is nearly every two games! In case you're wondering why, it's because Lee was already a scary jungler in Season 3, where gold flow for junglers wasn't as big as it currently is, allowing Lee to be extremely effective through early and mid game. 

We can also see that tanky junglers remain dominant over carry types. Amumu and Rammus are admitted powerhouses, Shyvana and Dr. Mundo following a bit behind although highly trendy. Olaf is also starting to get noticed. Curiously, Evelynn, albeit very feared, is still a bit lacking in terms of raw numbers, probably because of how strong Lee Sin is right now and how her first jungle rotation can be a real pain.

Most assassins are nowhere to be seen on these lists apart for Kassadin's apparant rise thanks to other ban priorities, but don't forget that Akali, Katarina and Kha'Zix are making some pretty good numbers for themselves. Fizz also remains a threat.

Vayne has hit rock bottom (Doublelift tackles that fact in this article) although she still has a lot of popularity about her. Jinx is expected to ascend if patch 3.15 hits with the nerfs expected for Sivir (broken ultimate) and Lucian (overall powerhouse), due to having no nerfs expected on the horizon. Perhaps this will also mean Draven and Varus will return to the spotlight, the first because he functions really well against Jinx and will help stiffle post-nerf Lucian, the second in case Draven rises high.

Other rising stars include Jax and Tryndamere. If you desire, you can view an Excel-like document with all champion's data from the moment we retrieved it  through this link. Columns' orders is A. Solo Queue Winrate; B. Solo Queue Pick Rate; C. Diamond Queue Winrate; D. Diamond Queue Pick Rate.

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